dinsdag 14 mei 2013

Damon Salvatore.

Ja, hij is klaar...
Mag ik u voorstellen Damon Salvatore.
Een personage in Vampire Diaries.
de blouse is gemaakt naar voorbeeld van de bijgevoegde foto.
helemaal naar mijn zin, maar niet echt gemakkelijk om te fotograferen.
Ik ben al de hele morgen bezig geweest.
Tot ik dacht ,nu is het wel goed....lol.
Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vonden om dit proces een beetje in delen te volgen.

Gr Christa.

6 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Great job! Superb!

Christa Chayata zei

Thank you!!

Marisa zei

very good likeness :)

Christa Chayata zei

Thank you , Yeh when you see the doll in real life,he looks even better....
it was hard to get him good on a photo.

elizabeth s zei

Hello Christa! Your doll is Delightful! I love the way you have dressed him and have him posed upon the chair! It is very difficult to sit a doll realistically because they often do not look like they have the proper weight and they rarely do they have both feet on the floor when in this position. Your doll also has a very interesting and handsome face and your portrait is entirely believable! I commend you on the elegance and believability of this wonderful looking doll!


Christa Chayata zei

Hallo Elizabeth S,

Thank you so mats for the nice compliment.
You point out exectly why I started making Dolls myself.
Most of the dolls look like Dolls...lol
And I try to make the dolls so realistic as posibile.
Thanks for seeing the details.

Greetings Christa.